LP1000N Connection
Here's how to connect to LP Works with a Windows operating system:
1. Make sure the USB switch that is located on the left side of the scale is in the right position.
2. If LP Works is already open, close the program. Right click on the desktop icon and select Properties, from the drop down menu.
3. From the Properties box, select Compatibility. Place a check mark in "Run this program in compatibility mode for.." (It doesn't matter what service pack you have, as long as Windows XP is selected. Be sure to also check off "Run this program as an administrator."
4. If you are using the USB port on the scale, go to device manager and ports. Right click the USB serial port and select Properties.
5. Click on Port Settings, and select the com port you are using. Right click on the com port and go to Properties. Next, click on Advanced Port Setting and change the latency timer to 8.
6. We recommend using anywhere between Com 1 and Com 5, if it's higher, force it to lower to Com 7. Be sure to match the baud rate on the scale. (The baud rate has to match on the device manager, the scale, and the software).
7. Here's how to program the baud rate on the scale:
- To go to Program mode, press 1 by using numeric keys and the MODE key.
- Press V (down arrow) five times.
- The Weight display shows "Set"
- Press the PRT/* key, "Set Enter."
- Press the 9 key and PRT*/ key.
- The display shows "Baud enter 3=9600."
- Look at the options below and select the number you want.
- "1" = 2400 bps
"2" = 4800 bps
"3" = 9600 bps
"4" = 19200 bps
"5" = 38400 bps
"6" = 57600 bps
- Press the PRT/* key. The display shows "Set."
9. If you want to finish Program mode, press the C key.
10. Open LP Works and go to Config. Make sure to select RS232.
11. Be sure to select the correct Com port and that the sure speed is set to 9600.
12. Click save.